You should obtain a permit from this pradeshiya sabha for your all the construction activities with on the area of the authority of pradeshiya sabha.
- An application form could be obtain from the pradeshiya sabha office by payment of Rs. 300
Required Documents
Correctly filled application form.
A plan of the building to be approved together with three photo copies of the original plans
A copy of the relevant deed
Receipt of payment made according to the extent of square feet.
should be send together with the perfected application to the building section and a receipt for payment made according to the extent of square feet should be obtain. (Particulars in this respect are given in the application form)
- Hand over all required documents to the relevant section at your pradeshiya sabha
- Then a technical officer / public health inspector of the pradeshiya sabha will inspect the relevant place
- With their recommendation the relevant file will be submitted to the planning committee will approve the plan.
- Approved plan can be obtain after the approval frank is placed on it.