Eligibility Requirements:
- Educational/Professional Qualifications
Degree with a Class in Business Administration / Management/ IT/Computing /Marketing/ Economics from a University recognized by the University Grants Commission with full or part qualification of Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) UK or SLIM PG Diploma.
- Experience
One year experience in Brand Management / Market Research /Products or in a related field preferably in the financial sector.
- Age Limit :Below 30 years
Nature of Duties:
- Development of youth financial inclusion program for the bank
- Managing, Developing and Promotions of key products and services that cater to youth.
- Developing special digital solutions and social media marketing for youth.
- Formulation of Brand plans and effective execution of same.
- Identify new market segments for new deposits.
Salary Scale
Rs. 43,510 – 63,210
(985 x 20)
(The initial monthly gross salary will be Rs. 87, 500/- approximately.)
Fringe Benefits
Will include an Annual Bonus, Medical Assistance Scheme, Housing Loans at concessionary rates of interest, Superannuation Scheme with both Provident Fund and Non Contributory Pension Scheme with W & OP benefits and ETF benefits.
Applications giving full bio-data including Educational/Professional qualifications, Experience and names and addresses of two non-related referees should be sent under Registered Cover to reach the undersigned on or before 29.04.2016.
Photocopies of the relevant certificates should be attached together with the application. Applicants who fail to attach the relevant certificates will not be called for interviews.
The post applied for should be stated on the top left hand corner of the envelope.
Assistant General Manager (HRD)
National Savings Bank
Head Office
Colombo 3.
Information source http://www.nsb.lk/ on 19.04.2016. This is only a written format of the advertisement, no responsibility about that advertisement and about typing mistakes in this written format form our web site. The appearance of this web publish, may be differ from the original. We only guiding to our visitors about information of job vacancies in this segment.please visit their web site for original advertisement.