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Vacancies for Librarian


The University of Colombo will entertain applications from suitably qualified persons for the above
Post upto 28th June 2013.


(A) (1) (i) A First or a Second Class (Upper Division) in a Special Degree.


(ii) A Second Class (Lower Division) in a Special Degree or a First or a Second Class (Upper
Division) in a General Degree;


(iii) A pass in a Degree Examination and A Postgraduate Degree of at least 02 academic years
duration in the field of Library and Information Sciences with a research component by
way of thesis/dissertation;


(2) A Master’s Degree in Library & Information Science obtained after a full time course of
study of at least two academic years duration (or an equivalent part-time course of study)
with a research component by way of thesis/dissertation or a Doctoral Degree;


(3) Publications in the field of Library and Information Sciences.


(4) At least Fifteen (15) years’ experience after obtaining a first degree or at least ten (10) years after
obtaining the qualification at (2) above in one or both of the following:

(i) experience in Librarianship in a recognized Library;
(ii) research in Library and Information Sciences


(5) At least the minimum marks laid in the Marking Scheme for the Post of Librarian.

Notes :
No credit will be given under (2) above to a postgraduate degree recognized under (1)(iii) above.02.


Librarian [U-AC5(II)] : Rs. 56,505 – 13x1310 – 73,535 p.m.

The selected candidate will be on probation for a period of three (03) years. However, a person who has been previously confirmed in any other Post of teacher in this University and if appointed will have to serve a period of probation of one (01) year.The selected candidate if presently serving in a Government Department will have to obtain his release through the Ministry of Public Administration. Government servants will not be entitled to maintain their pension rights whilst in the University service.The selected candidate will be a member of the Universities Provident Fund as well as of the University Pension Scheme. He/She will contribute 10% of his/her monthly salary to the Universities Provident Fund and at the same time the employer will make a total contribution of 15% of his/her salary of which 8% will be credited to the Universities Pension Fund and 7% to the Universities Provident Fund. Three percent (3%) of the salary will be contributed by the University to the Employees’ Trust Fund in terms of the provisions of the Employees’ Trust Fund Act, No. 46 of 1980. 

Applicants should be able to communicate in Sinhala/Tamil and English.

The other conditions of appointment will be in accordance with provisions of the Universities Act No. 16 of
1978, Universities (Amendment) Act No. 7 of 1985 and Universities (Amendment) Act No. 1 of 1995 and
Ordinances, By-laws, Regulations and Rules etc., made thereunder.


A. Applicants from Higher Educational Institutions, Government Departments and Government
Corporations should apply through the Heads of such Institutions. Applications which do not
conform to this requirement will be rejected.

B. Applicants are requested to submit the following in addition to the prescribed Application Form :

(a) 15 copies of his/her Curriculum Vitae
(b) 15 copies of self-assessment of his/her whole career specifying the
contribution to :
- Librarianship, Scholarship and Academic Development
- Research, Scholarship and Creative Work
- Dissemination of Knowledge, Awards and University, National & International
Development Activities
The Self Assessment should be prepared in accordance with the marking scheme, (issued
with this document) giving details under each heading/sub heading.
(c) Three copies each of the research publications, research papers and
other relevant documents listed in the self assessment.
(d) Titles of five (05) outstanding research publications/research papers by the candidate.

Duly filled applications together with all the documents specified in (a) to (d) above should be sent (with a
covering letter addressed to the Vice-Chancellor) under registered cover to reach the Deputy
Registrar/Academic Establishments Branch, University of Colombo, 94, Cumaratunga Munidasa
Mawatha, Colombo 03 on or before 28-06-2013. The Post applied should be indicated on the top lefthand corner of the envelope.

N.B. The Documents received after the closing date will not be accepted under any circumstance.
For Registrar.

94, Cumaratunga Munidasa Mawatha,
Colombo 03.
03 June, 2013

*This is only a written format of the announcement published by university of colombo at their website on 2013.06.17 , no responsibility about that advertisement and about typing mistakes in this written format form our web site


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