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Vacancies at Coconut Development Authority

Ministry of Coconut Development and Janatha Estates Development
Coconut Development Authority

Applications are hereby invited from the citizens of Sri Lanka who are well experienced and having necessary qualifications with regard to the undermentioned posts presently vacant at the Coconut Development Authority.

1. Post of Assistant Director (Processing Development)
Service Category - Management Level - (MM 1-1)

Salary Scale Rs. 25,640/= 3x665 - 7x735 - 15x925 - Rs. 46,655/= - MM 1-1 2006 (Per Month)
+ Approved Government Allowances.

Educational Qualifications and Experience
(i) Should have obtained a degree from a university, recognized by the University Grants Commission in the fields of Pure / Applied Science% Biology and Agriculture.
(ii) Should have obtained not less than Three years experience in a post of the relevant field, after obtaining above qualification.
(iii) Should have completed satisfactory period of service, not less than 05 years in a related field in the post of Grade H of the Junior Management Level (JM 1¬2) of the Coconut Development Authority.
(iv) Should have completed satisfactory period of service not less than 05 years, in a relevant field, in a post having the salary scale of MA-3 of the Coconut Development Authority, together with the educational qualifications mentioned above (i)

Age Limit :  Candidates should not be less than 25 years of age and not mote than 45 years as at closing date of applications. The upper age limit would not be applicable to Applicants already in the services of Government Dept. / Provincial Government / State Corporations / Statutory Boards and Permanent Service in the Coconut Development Authority.

Method of Selection : By a Structured Interview.

2. Post of Assistant Director (Quality Control & Quality Assurance)
Service Category - Management Level - (MM 1 1)

Salary Scale Rs. 25,640/= 3x665 - 7x735 -15x925 - Rs. 46,6551= - MM 1-1 2006 (Per Month)
+ Approved Government Allowances

Educational Qualifications and Experience
Should have obtained a degree from a university, recognized by the University Grants Commission in the fields of Chemistry / Micro Biology / Bio Chemistry / and Botany as a Subject.
(ii) Should have obtained not less than three years experience in a post of the relevant field, in a Laboratory or research institute after obtaining above qualification.
(iii) Should have completed satisfactory period of service, not less than 05 years, in a related field in the post of Grade II of the Junior Management Level (JM 1-2) of the Coconut Development Authority.
(iv) Should have completed satisfactory period of service not less than 05 years, in a relevant field, in a post having the salary scale of MA-3 of the Coconut Development Authority, together with the educational qualifications mentioned above (i)

Age Limit : Candidates should not be less than 25 years of age and not more than 45 years
as at closing date of applications. The upper age limit would not be applicable to Applicants already in the services of Government Dept. / Provincial Government / State Corporations / Statutory Boards and Permanent Service in the Coconut Development Authority.

Method of Selection : By a Structured Interview.

3. Post of Lab Attendant
Service Category - Primary Level semi-skilled (PL 2)

Salary Scale Rs. 12,410/= - 10x130 - 10x145 -10x160 - 12x170 - Rs. 18,800/ = (Pe• Month) +
Approved Government Allowances. (PL 2-2006 A).

Nature of Duties - Attend on daily routine microbiology and chemical testing, Sterilizing, Cleaning, Culture / Media bottles storing, after testing cleaning glassware and sterilizing lab equipment and laboratory floor areas daily.

Educational Qualifications
Should have passed G.C.E. (Ordinary Level) Examination in six (06) subjects in one sitting inclusive of Sinhala I 'lhmil Language, Mathematics, Science and English.
Thchnical Skills / Competencies :
Should have followed a not less than 06 months' certificate course in the relevant field, conducted by the government or a Private Institute which shall meet the Level two or three (NVQ-02 or 03) of the National Vocational Qualifications in specified technical skills relevant to the post as determined by the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission.
Should be an applicant presently in the non-primary level skilled category service of the Coconut Development Authority who fulfils the above stated educational qualifications, having five years experience in the relevant field and possessing specific technical skills to be proved at a trade test.

Age : Candidates should not be less than 18 years of age and not more than 45 years as at
closing date of applications. The upper age limit would not be applicable to Applicants already in the services of Government Dept. / Provincial Government / State Corporations / Statutory Boards and Permanent Service in the Coconut Development Authority.

Method of Selection :
By a Structured Interview.

Benefits :
1. Gratuity under Act No. 12 of 1983.
2. Covered under a staff Medical Insurance Scheme and Personal Accident Insurance Scheme.
3. Employees' Provident Fund (EPF), Employee - 1096 - Employer 15% and Employees•frust Fund (ETF) 3% contribution by employer.
4. Other fringe benefits applicable to employees of the Authority.

Application of the candidates inclusive of the details of the applicant's present employment, salary particulars, previous positions held with duration and names and addresses of two non-related referees, and all the other particulars of the applicants together with copies of Birth Certificate Educational and service certificates thereof, should be forwarded under Registered Cover to reach on or before 15.07.2014. The post applied for should be indicated on the top left-hand corner of the envelope.

Applicants from Government Departments / Provincial Government Service / State Corporations / Statutory Boards should forward their applications through the respective Head of Institutions and applicants who are already in permanent service in the Coconut Development Authority should forward their applications through the respective Divisional Heads of the Authority.

Applications received after the closing date or sent without copies of the above mentioned certificates or not sent through heads of Departments / Institutions will be rejected.

This advertisement may be downloaded from CDA website - www.cda.lk.

Coconut Development Authority, No. 54, Nawala Road,
Narabenpita, Colombo 05.

Information source daily news 26.06.2014. This is only a written format of the advertisement, no responsibility about that advertisement and about typing mistakes in this written format form our web site. The appearance of  this web publish, may be differ from the original. We only guiding to our visitors about information of job vacancies in this segment.

Thanks for reading Vacancies at Coconut Development Authority

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